Около pin up casino

Около pin up casino

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After the issue had been forwarded to the Complaints Team, they had contacted the casino for further clarification. The player had finally been able to successfully withdraw his winnings in virtual currency. The casino had advised him to use the same method for future transactions. The Complaints Team had marked the issue as resolved.

The player from Germany deposited money into ninecasino using her husband's account, which resulted in a warning. Despite this, she was allowed to continue playing and activating bonuses.

The player from Norway had been waiting for a withdrawal for seven weeks. The casino claimed the money had been sent, but the withdrawal was still visible in his account, and the support told him the money was 'coming soon'.

The player from Germany has deposited money into casino account but the funds seem to be lost. Player’s complaint has been resolved successfully.

The player from Germany is dissatisfied with the withdrawal process. The player confrimed his winnings were paid out, therefore we marked the complaint as resolved.

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The player from Germany deposited 20 Euros into their casino account on Friday, but the amount has not been credited to their gaming account. The player later confirmed that the issue was resolved.

In our comprehensive review of all relevant aspects, PinoCasino has attained a High Safety Index of 8.2. This makes it a recommendable option for most players who are looking for an online casino that creates a fair environment for their customers.

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The player from Germany has been experiencing difficulties withdrawing her winnings due to ongoing verification.

The player from Italy had struggled with a withdrawal здесь process that had been under review since February 10th. Despite having received assurances from the casino's support team that everything was fine, no progress seemed to have been made.

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Note: As far as we are concerned, PinoCasino is related to 9 different casinos. Taking into account the connection between these casinos, we factored in the qualities of the associated casinos when evaluating the Safety Index of PinoCasino.

The casino had confirmed that the refund process was initiated and asked the player to check his email. The player later confirmed that the payment had been combined with another refund, leading to initial confusion. Upon realizing this, he had acknowledged receipt of the funds. The issue had been successfully resolved.

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